Tuesday 31 July 2007

Who is This Person?

For those of you who know me in Australia, you also probably know I can be a bit of a picky eater. Six months ago you probably couldn't have gotten me near a fish finger, let alone a plate of sardines. My, how things change! Today for lunch Josh and I woolfed down a plate of delicious BBQ sardines here in Essaouria, fished out of the Atlantic Ocean that morning.

Sardines cooked over an open flame is a Portuguese specialty, introduced to us by Pedro and Birgitte, that the colonists brought to Morocco. They are incredibly yummy and we can't wait to make them in Australia.

But this isn't like eating just any fish - you have to work for your meal. They are cooked whole and you have to scrape off the scales, de-bone and de-gut them before you can eat. This does get a little tiring and the guts can turn you off your meal, but it's worth it. We do it the Portuguese way - with knife and fork - however we were introduced to the Moroccan way today which involves only your fingers!


Anonymous said...

Both you and the sardins look very nice;-)) Take care when you go to London. Birgitte

Unknown said...

Breaking Barrister related news, that is sure to upset Josh:

Beginning on Monday, 3 September 2007, judges in the New South Wales Court of Appeal will no longer wear wigs. Consequently, barristers will no longer be required to wear wigs in the Court of Appeal from that date.

Judges and barristers will continue to wear wigs in Supreme Court civil and criminal trials, all Court of Criminal Appeal matters and during all ceremonial sittings.

District Court judges have also decided on the same issue. Effective immediately, wigs will no longer be worn in any civil matter in that jurisdiction.

Where has the decorum and sense of style gone!?