Friday 3 August 2007

M'assalama Morocco

We said goodbye to Morocco today, and quite frankly it's a miracle we survived! What with the insane driving, severe terrorist threat, stomach problems, extreme heat, snakes, scorpions, monster seagulls and potential Babel-like shootings (just kidding mum!) we felt like we were constantly putting our lives in fate's hands.

On the one hand we are pleased to be out of a country where we constantly had to be on our guard. There was always the possibility of being ripped off, someone (human or animal - see photo!) watching our every move as we ate our dinner and the inevitable problems relating to miscommunication.

On the other hand, this was physically one of the most beautiful countries I have ever seen. While the urban landscapes were striking, it is the countryside that is really stunning, particularly during our four-day tour of the High Atlas. It is also a communal society, where strangers really look after each other, particularly children and the elderly. So many times we witnessed people on the train looking after each other's kids as they ran around, or guiding an old man to his seat.

So, while it's a relief to be back in civilisation (Hello London!), Morocco was an incredible country to visit and I look forward to exploring the rest of the Mahgreb in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now you tell us!

I'm glad you are 'safe' in London
