Sunday 5 August 2007

London, Je t'aime

Although believing that our exit from Morocco would be smooth, we had forgotten that whilst it is an international airport, Airport Mohammad V is still in Morocco! So, after waiting in the check-in line with only three people ahead of us for 30 minutes, only to be given a boarding pass that told us to board at 10.40 for a flight that left at 10.15, then to be faced with a two hour delay (with no information about what was going on), we FINALLY made it to jolly old England (thank god for the International Herald Tribune)...

... And we absolutely LOVE it! We were a little skeptical about the gushing of our guidebook, but this is a truly fantastic city where I would be more than happy to live one day. This perception hasn't been hurt by the fact that we've had absolutely perfect summer weather in the mid to high 20s, without a cloud in the sky. Something tells me that we might not feel the same way in the dead of winter.

After exploring the city the night we arrived, Day One in London was a classic. We spent the morning in St Paul's Cathedral, which was pleasantly different from the other cathedrals we'd already seen in Europe. This gorgeous building is the second biggest cathedral in the world (after St Peter's in Rome) and we viewed a panorama of London from the top of the dome. Afterwards, we visited Borough Market, made popular by Jamie Oliver, where we ate gourmet sausages amongst all the other different food stalls. The afternoon was taken up by the British Museum (which, by the way, has not lost it's charm), particularly the Egypt section, which houses the famous Rosetta Stone amongst other incredible artifacts. In the evening we saw Love's Labour's Lost at Shakespeare's Globe - in the standing section, which was a bit tiring, but nevertheless very enjoyable.

Other things we love about England: the tap water is drinkable, they have more than two dishes on any one menu, the people don't view us as walking ATMs, we are not suffering from heat exhaustion, the toilets have seats, toilet papers and are clean and there aren't 10,000 cats watching you eat. We highly recommend it!


Unknown said...

You are so lucky the weather is good, it would not be as charming during the wet and cold of winter (I find London to be very depressing in all seasons except for the height of summer). Cannot wait to see you guys x

Anonymous said...

I knew you would just love it all!!It is just a wonderful city. If you knew you had to last there a couple of years it would be worth it... even in the dead of winter!
Mum (Jenny)