Tuesday 3 July 2007

Driving in Andalucía

After spending a couple of days in Córdoba (notable not only for its Islamic architecture - more on this in a later post - but also for an amazing yet typical incident of Spanish road rage we witnessed while eating dinner one evening), we drove to Granada this morning.

Although we've become used to camping (and we're even starting to call our tent home!), we're glad that we've only got two more nights of the campsite left, followed by a luxurious stay in a hotel housed in a traditional Spanish building. After spending a few days here, we'll be driving to Málaga to deliver up our car, take the bus to Gibraltar, and catch the ferry either from there or Algeciras to Tangier in Morocco.

Again we've sought respite from the heat in an internet cafe, so I thought I'd post a few pictures that we took during the drive to Granada from Córdoba. This part of Spain, far from being the desert we thought it might be, is basically farming country, with fields of wheat, sunflowers and what appear to be mustard flowers. It is also olive country par excellence, with olive oil factories and mountains simply covered in olive trees as far as the eye can see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enough about history and scenery - tell us about the road rage Spanish style!