Saturday 9 June 2007

Insert "Beautiful Barcelona" post here

We spent the past two days in Barcelona, soaking up the sun, seeing the sights and enjoying the Catalan food. It is a fantastic city, with a great atmosphere.

However, due to an unfortunate incident with the USB connection in an internet cafe, we lost all of the photos we had taken of the drive from Andorra to Barcelona and of Barcelona itself. This photo is testament to the pain and misery caused by this untoward development.

On the bright side, we did manage to save the pics we took in France and Andorra, and after getting those burnt to a CD, we spent an hour or so taking some photos to replace those we took over the past few days. Here are a few of them.

First is a photo of this extremely long pedestrian street called La Rambla, where, according to our guidebook, "anything can happen". In fulfilment of this prediction, we saw quite a few street performances. Simply crazy. Where will the craziness end?

And here is a photo of one of the winding streets in the district known as Barri Gòtic.

Ok, well, these photos don't really capture the great time we had in Barcelona, but at least we have some photos of Barcelona to prove we have been there (if there was any doubt)!

After we'd recovered from the shock and disappointment of what will now be known as the "USB incident", we went to drown our sorrows in Sangria and Paella, which certainly contributed to put a positive note back on the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor baby...