Monday 18 June 2007

Northern Spain: from Sun to Sun-Drenched

Now that we're in Portugal, I thought it might be nice to give a brief summary of our time in Northern Spain.

We started off in San Sebastian, a stunning city set amongst mountains decending into the Cantabrian Sea. The weather was beautiful, warm and sunny. Needless to say, we continued our beach holiday there.

And there, the beach holiday ended. Apparently, they have a saying in Northern Spain which goes something like: "If rain is art, then Northern Spain must be one of the best museums in the whole world".

And rain it did. Quite a lot. As a result, we decided to seek refuge in Santiago de Compostela (after stopping off to check out the oldest functioning lighthouse in the world at Á Coruña). That city, according to our guidebook (which we've previously mentioned is a paragon of accuracy), is "sun-drenched". Well, let's just say that the book had it half right: the operative word in the phrase "sun-drenched" being the word "drenched". Presumably the sun was somewhere above all of the clouds.

Apart from the rain, which sometimes caused our camping to be less than luxurious, the trip across the north was amazing and not what one would expect when one thinks of Spain: green and lush.

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