Tuesday 19 June 2007

10 Kilos in 10 Days

Although we're in Portugal at the moment, I can't leave Spain without sharing the photos of the incredible food we ate in Spain.

Breakfast: While we stick to croissants and baguettes, the major breakfast food is dipping fried batter into a cup of chocolate (not hot chocloate - just melted chocolate). While this looks incredibly delicious, it proved too much for us - something about the combination of oil and chocolate just doesn't work.

Snack: While there are plenty of pastries on offer, in Barcelona we visited the local fresh market, picking up cherries, peas and other goodies on the cheap. The stuff tasted great and more importantly looked amazing! We supplemented these with visits to the local lolly shops that seemed to be on every corner.

Dinner: The most ubiquitous restaurants in Spain are the tapas bars. The usually delicious bite-size portions are great, as you avoid the extreme hazard that comes with ordering from a menu written in Spanish. If you're not careful, you could end up with Galician octopus (AGH!)!

Drinks: Unfortunately our time in Spain has turned us unwittingly into mini-alcoholics, along with the rest of the local population. Every meal either includes a bottle of excellent red wine or you can buy one for €3.00 or less. The other day in Porto we found ourselves with a bottle of red for lunch, followed by port tasting, followed by another bottle for dinner! After taking stock, we've definitely decided to cut back on our alcohol intake!

Somehow, despite all this eating, it appears that all the walking we've been doing has meant that we've managed not to become obese!

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