Tuesday 29 May 2007

A Walking Tour of Paris

Yes, I committed the cardinal fashion sin today of wearing skinny jeans with white sports sneakers! I'm not proud of it, but I do feel that I had a good reason - Paris is huge, we're only here for two days and there is so much to see and do. Most importantly, however, is the fact that we climbed the 668 stairs to the top of the Eiffel Tower today (and 668 back) and my ballet flats were just not up to it.

While initially I thought climbing the stairs was only for maniacs and cheapskates (Josh the former and me the latter), it was actually not too bad and worth it to avoid the massive crowds and save €10.

The views were fabulous, but we had to move on - going to the Gothic Notre Dame Cathedral just down the river. After an accidentally expensive but incredibly delicious lunch in a French restaurant, we made our way to the Musee D'Orsay. This former train station houses impressionist, postimpressionist and Art Nouveau works by the likes of Van Gough, Monet and Renoir - tres cool.

We pretty much collapsed after all that - but it's not over yet. Tonight we're visiting the Champs Elysee and the Arc d'Triumph - but don't worry, I've changed my shoes!


Unknown said...

Tova - take the shame!

How exciting to be young, in love and in Paris. So happy that you are having such a wonderful time, despite the white sneakers and hives.

Love Em

Anonymous said...

Well, I was afraid of that. You know skinny jeans are only one step away from wearing things that we are not going to speak of, becoming something that we shan't mention and talking in a way that will be probably deemed to be inappropriate in a court. Love the shoes thought!

Unknown said...

hey Jova,

I've been reading your blog, but have only just now got around to leaving a message.

I'm glad your having a great time - it looks like you're going to awsome places.

I'd particularly like more documentation on Josh's love children.

Anonymous said...

Tova Tova Tova

I am afraid that I am going to have to disown you as a friend ... there is nothing (not even the steps of the Eiffel Tower) that can justify what you have done!

This is the first time that I've had a moment to check your blog (Bar Practice Course finished on Sat) and it sounds like you guys are having a brilliant time!

Nic x

Shan said...

And THAT's what happens when I don't check your blog for four days.

I've been in Paris since Tuesday morning.
