Tuesday 15 May 2007

We arrive in Europe!

The novelty of being able to choose from 60 movies kind of wore off after the 4th movie. Despite this, the flight from Sydney to London was surprisingly comfortable, with (relatively) good food and enough entertainment to keep us occupied.

About 21 hours after we departed, we arrived at London Heathrow. The approach to the airport was marked by a bit of circling about London as we joined the queue of aircraft waiting to land. We got some great views of the Thames and the countryside surrounding London though, which was pretty exciting.

After landing and going through security again (you'd be forgiven for asking yourself where you could have picked up anything dangerous between boarding and disembarking from the airplane), we managed to spend £10 on a few slices of toasted white bread and a couple of hot chocolates.

We then boarded our flight to Vienna and arrived in no time (at least, compared to the previous 21 hours). We checked in to our pension, had a shower and set out to explore. Although we intended to go to sleep at about 8 pm, we were talked into buying some concert tickets by a particularly charismatic Austrian dressed up as Mozart. At 10 pm, we finally collapsed only to wake up the following morning at 5.45 am. Oh, the joys of jet lag!

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